Mobile Factory Wiki

The Network Access Point is a Wireless access points that allows all structures around to communicate with the Mobile Factory Data Network. It has a range of 50 Tiles.

The targeted Network Controller can be selected inside its GUI.

The Network Access Point need Quatron Energy to works, and its consumption is related to the numbers of devices connected. It can store 1000 of Quatron Energy, and can be charged with a Quatron Cube or a Quatron laser


Network Access Point GUI

The Data Network Frame shows you information about the current Data Network, it also allows you to select which one you want to use. 

The Information Frame shows you the amont of Quatron Energy stored inside the Internal Buffer, and allows to show/hide the Network Access Point area. 

The Connected Structures Frame displays all connected Devices, you can get a Device Position by hovering it with your cursor. 
